The Path To Closer And More Meaningful Relationships

With Far Less Stress, Conflicts And Breakdowns.

Researcher, Author, Facilitator

I had to know why two individuals who are in love, over time, inexplicably show impatience or even hostility towards one another. Why is it that we can be so kind to strangers yet, at times, so unkind to those we claim to cherish most?

For over three decades, I've delved into this perplexing pattern of human behaviour. I've sought to decipher the dynamics that exist between loving, well-meaning individuals — exploring, discussing, and dissecting the intricacies of human relationships. The outcome? A revelation of fundamental principles governing our interactions. These principles lead to predictable behavioural patterns which, if left misunderstood, can produce confusion, conflicts, and miscommunications even amongst the most benevolent.

But here's the silver lining: once illuminated, these principles can guide us towards more harmonious relationships, helping us truly connect with those we hold dear, and navigate life with greater ease and joy.

Uncovering the Hidden Obvious

Dedicating years to in-depth research, Rory identified four inherent behavioural archetypes within every individual, reminiscent of the work seen in Douglas Gillette and Robert L. Moore’s renowned "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover." However, Rory's unique contribution to this field is his insight into how people dominantly lean into one unbalanced archetype when under duress. This unbalance, he found, often leads to tension as individuals, bound by their own archetypal nature, find it challenging to understand others operating from a different archetype.

Rory's groundbreaking work illuminates these archetypes in individuals, offering them unparalleled insights into their own behaviour and that of those around them. He has assisted countless people - from struggling couples to parent-child relationships - in fostering understanding, harmony, and sustainable happiness by addressing the root of their miscommunications. Touted as the "missing piece" in psychology and human behaviour, Rory Kilmartin's discoveries are both revelatory and seemingly self-evident - yet, until now, they remained an enigma.

Over the last decade, Rory has shared the stage with some of the most prominent thought leaders within the field of developmental psychology and personal growth. He also leads engaging workshops on his findings that have been shown to repair damaged relationships, allowing those previously struggling to flourish.


From the Desk of Rory Kilmartin

Simply put, my findings have demystified relationships. By outlining and explaining the predictable behavioural patterns that are present within individuals, we are able to see through new lenses. To understand why others do and say the very things that most irritate us. We are able to explain the invisible forces that are not only influencing relationships, but are actually governing them. Only then can we react with more compassion and understanding with the people we love the most.

Here’s how our programs facilitate that…

A clear introduction and explanation of the four archetypes. We will find your archetype and help you to understand your ingrained behavioural pattern and the invisible forces that have been driving your thoughts, decisions and actions.

A deep dive into the behaviours, fears and triggers that lay within each archetype. Open your eyes to the confusion that disrupts your relationships and learn how to calmly regain the balance of power for happy, flourishing relationships.

Move closer toward maturation and wisdom as the calm, powerful individual that you know you can be. Lead yourself and your family into a place of peace and understanding, free to leave triggered behaviour, breakdowns and conflicts in the past.

Discover Archetypal Relationships

Demystify the confusion and dysfunction within your relationships to gain a better understanding of yourself and the ones you love.